to The Bristol Masonic Society - Reference Directory.
Freemasons with an interest in the origins and history of the Craft
and Royal Arch are advised to join the Quatuor Coronati Correspondence
Circle. www.quatuorcoranati.com Membership for UK Masons costs just
£35 per year (£38 for Europe, £40 for USA, and £43
for the rest of the world). This includes the cost of the hardbound
annual volume of Transactions - Ars Quatuor Coronatorum.
To see the contents listings of any of the Masonic journals below,
click on its icon. |
Ars Quatuor Coronatorum |
The Ashlar |
Canonbury Papers |
Freemasonry Today |
Heredom |
Lodge of Research,
No 2429, Leicester |
Manchester Association
for Masonic Research |

Masonic Study Society |
Somerset Installed Masters'
Lodge 3746 |
Masonic Quarterly |
Dormer Masonic Study Circle
Prestonian Lectures |
Bristol Masonic Society |
Temple of Athene |
The Square Magazine |
The Philalethes
Magazine |
The Square Digital |
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Miscellanea Latomorum |
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